Climate Vault Solutions provides more tools for partner organizations

JUNE 13, 2023 — Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our new sales and marketing arm. With Climate Vault Solutions, we are expanding our capacity to:

  • Measure organizations’ footprints.
  • Track their impact.
  • Help report sustainability efforts.
  • Provide more consultative support to our donors.
  • Achieve our partners’ carbon reduction goals.

As a service component, Climate Vault Solutions will strengthen our nonprofit mission: taking substantive, data-driven climate action that creates immediate and long-term benefits for both businesses and the planet.

“We’ve already reduced nearly one million metric tons of CO2 emissions [as a nonprofit] through government-regulated compliance carbon markets and support from our partners,” says Jason Grant, our President and COO. “Today’s launch of Climate Vault Solutions is the next step to help us substantially increase our impact while equipping organizations with the tools to take direct action against the climate crisis in a verifiable, quantifiable, and transparent way.”

Climate Vault Solutions will be invested in the creation, development, and implementation of carbon solutions. These tools will provide increased versatility and control for organizations and their stakeholders in measuring their carbon footprints, immediately reducing emissions, ultimately removing atmospheric carbon, and reporting their carbon action.

We are preserving our approach to reducing & removing carbon emissions as we grow. We continue to offer a mature alternative to problematic and risky voluntary carbon offsets, and to spur innovation in the world’s most promising carbon dioxide removal projects.

“We’ve already helped the planet avert an estimated $190 million of climate damages,” says Michael Greenstone, Climate Vault co-founder, Chairman of the Board for Climate Vault Solutions, and Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago. “[Climate Vault Solutions] allows us to satisfy the demand from world-leading organizations that have already partnered with us to neutralize their carbon footprint.”

We’re excited to augment the partnerships we have with our donors. And if you’re just getting started on your carbon journey, find out what we can do as your all-inclusive climate partner. Together, we can make a greater impact, now.

You can read the press release announcing Climate Vault Solutions here.

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